When It Rains, It Spores

Hi Readers,

Here’s a quick note for those asking about all the rain from TS Imelda: we are good.

Just yesterday, the trusty wheelbarrow ‘rain gauge’ collected what fell in just a short 3-hour drencher: 15 inches. That tops rate-wise the precipitation we saw during Harvey of 2017, but not what came when Allison his in 2001, twice. And yet, thankfully, we are still high and dry.

And, like so many other of us native Houstonians, we are kind of getting used to the now annual flood events.

The creek behind us had just begun drying up after nearly six months with no precipitation, ‘flash drought,’ they call it. Roseate Spoonbills and White Ibis and herons of all kinds flew in to take advantage of the brand new mud flats that was our backyard. So joyful to watch them dabble for crawfish and snails! It’s full again, as are the rain barrels. (And the birds have moved on to shallower aspirations.)

Needless to say, I enjoyed several days of weather-related appointment cancellations giving me some much-needed office and ‘me’ time. You can bet that life will be cranking up full force again once the sun is shining. I’m careful not to line up my duckies too carefully.

  • four more weekly nature/garden sessions for 50 4th graders
  • the beginnings of a new school prairie and pollinator habitat
  • household Uber driver
  • fall planting (winter cover) of my own backyard prairie
  • completing classes for Texas Master Naturalist, Coastal Prairie
  • eating, sleeping, and family time

As there is still no time for putting together thoughtfully written posts in words, let’s lean on the visual media instead. As a bonus, I’ve embedded into this post not one but two embedded videos — one a candid domestic capture, the other a wild one. For those who have only just begun following the blog (and others who are still barely hanging on), hang in there a little longer. I hope to be back to regularly writing again mid-October.

~ Shannon @ DirtNKids

[Email Readers: Above is an embedded video. You’ll have to view it at the blog.]

The (noisy) joy of watching the rain
and hummers from the inside.

Oh yeah. That’s full.

4th Generation Monarch Butterfly
This guy emerged indoors during the storm.
We waited until it stopped raining to see him off.

My first bolete!! (Mycorrhizal fungi)
I didn’t even need iNaturalist to tell me. 😀

On Schedule
After 15″ of rainfall, is this even necessary?
(Apparently, yes.)

Tiny Umbrellas

[Email Readers: Above is an embedded video. You’ll have to view it at the blog.]

The (less noisy) joy of watching the rain
and hummers from the outside.
(Hey guys, share already!)

19 thoughts on “When It Rains, It Spores

  1. That’s a snappy title you came up with for this post, and quite justified by some of the photographs. I can’t see the word bolete without being reminded of the similar-sounding Russian word болит (bolít), which is a verb form that means ‘hurts.’ You obviously didn’t feel hurt by seeing your first bolete.


    1. Interesting about the Russian word meaning ‘hurt.’ Bolete is a mycorrhizal fungi, in that it is symbiotic with its host plant (in this case a tree). The bolete seeks out, mines, and carries elements in addition to water directly to plant roots in return for its food needs — sugars. It helps, not hurts!


    1. Thank you for sharing! I am unable to view the radar video for some reason. Do you know what time it was captured? If you do, I will endeavor to see it on my own cool radar app instead. 😉


  2. Did I giggle at your title? Why, of course I did! I’m glad you were able to take advantage of the “off time” in some creative ways. I spent the whole week fussing, since losing a whole week of work wasn’t in my plans. Oh, well.

    Those tiny umbrellas are cute. I found an unusual fungus up at the Watson rare plant preserve a few weeks ago. It shouldn’t be that hard to ID, since it’s as red as the scarlet catchfly. I just need to get it done.

    A friend down in Angleton posted a video of his hummingbird feeders, and they were busy as could be. Obviously, they have their ways of coping with the weather, too.


    1. We are very much enjoying the hummers. My kids and I shot a 10 sec (1 min?) slow-mo of several RTH’s zipping in and out. They are thick here right now, 20 birds per feeder.

      Scarlet fungi? Tubifera ferruginosa comes to mind. And losing work as a volunteer is not so bad; if it were for income, I’d be fussing too!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love both the noisy and less noisy videos ❤ Love the sound of rain too but NOT FLOODING. We desperately need rain up here in East TX and we got almost nothing from that system 😦
    The pictures are wonderful as always…


    1. So sorry to hear of your drought woes, Courtney. Too many times we watched clouds full of rain empty just 1/4 mile away … six months we wished for rain. Well, we got it! Our annual rainfall in just a handful of days. At least our ‘averages’ are kept happy.

      I hope you get some rain soon. Happy equinox!


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